Sunday, February 22, 2009

High School

I have to say that I did not have a big love life in high school. I went to an all-girls prep school and had a bunch of guy friends but only one real boyfriend in high school. I was fine with it since I was involved in a bunch of different other activities and my friends also were not in serious realtionships with boy either. I was the type of girl that had a few "crushes" but never voiced my feelings. I suppose that I felt they would never give me a second look, which now looking back, I was probably very wrong. I was a few inches shy of 5 feet and barely 100 pounds. I did decent in school and had a fun group of friends. I suppose I was confident in other avenues except the romance department. I would look at guys "from a far" but never told anyone except maybe my best friend. The one boyfriend I had lasted a hot minute. He was very nice but for some reason I just "wasn't that into him" after a few months...I beleive it was right after his Prom and mine. :)
I looked forward to college where I would be able to expand my dating scene and see what happens...
I promise....this may seem boring but as my life progresses it becomes increasingly interesting and full of "sugar and spice"...

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