Sunday, August 9, 2009
For there is a reason under the sun...
We went to the wedding last weekend. We had an absolute blast; the most fun we have EVER EVER had. I know I have said that before...but I do feel we had a blast. The wedding was beautiful and we had fun dancing, laughing, swimming, and drinking. This is where I become torn and slightly like a hypocrite. We BOTH drank. How can I tell him, no, not you, but I's something that I struggle with.
After the wedding, we went to my parents house and he went to meet my dad for the first time. Looking back I have conflicting views about the fact that the first time he met my dad he was drunk. The longer time passes the more I realize that it was wrong. It was plain wrong. He sat in the family room talking about "our" wedding and he even dropped the "f-bomb" in front of my parents. We went back to my house, ordered pizza and stayed on the couch and chatted. I learned a great deal about him. The deep seeded hurt that he is dealing with, that only HE can deal with...he is not willing to get help or stop drinking...he is depressed.
The following day we spent together watching Jerry Maguire in a bad thunderstorm in bed. It was the sober B.
I am so torn as to how I feel it's crazy...
I think that the only thing I can do now is head to Al-Anon.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Good, Bad, and Ugly
I often wonder...
Much has happened since my last blog, almost a full month ago.
4th of July came as it always does...never have plans up until the last minute and it is always down in the city (except when down the shore...). I spent the day with my family and dog firming up plans with some good friends to go into the city. I was talking to B really often...there was definitely something different about him and he seemed happier than he had been in quite some time.
I get down to the city and head to this really nice party in Fairmount. Lots of very nice people and PERFECT weather. As I was there the text messages from B start flying in left and right...wanting to know where I was, if I was going to watch Sheryl Crow and the fireworks, etc...overzealous pretty much sums it up...and moreover, a bit exaggerated considering he had said that he was not interested in a relationship. I proceeded to head down to listen to some awesome angry girl music...we had a great time with him in the background texting away finding out where I was,etc.
We decide to watch the fireworks on the roofdeck and in turn meet up with B on the corner before he heads down with his friends. As always, it is great seeing him and so natural. I know his friends and it was nice seeing them as well. I left my phone on the beach chair and perched myself on the corner of the deck so I could see the fireworks...things at this point started smelling "fishy"...he asked me if there was any way I could get someone to watch the dog tonight...really really odd as well as him saying that he was staying at his place that night (remember he lives at home with his siblings and parents about 40 minutes from the city). Hmmmm....halibut perhaps was the smell...I kid...
So after fireworks we met up at the local bar that he and I would go to when we were dating. When I arrived ALL...ALL of his friends were there. Not going to is always nice being around his friends. They are all funny and always welcoming with me. I have never felt like I didn't belong. Everyone was very happy to see me....hugs all around...some of these guys I have known since I was 14 and great to be around them.
The "halibut smell" continues when there were a few people I did not know...but by golly, B was going to make sure that was to be changed. He would get the attention of the person who had never been graced with my presence...despite them being in conversation, heading to the bathroom, or on the george, B was going to make sure they met me/presented me is more like it. For instance, this poor guy Phil was in a pretty deep conversation it seemed when B called/yelled "PHIL! PHIL! HEY PHIL!! PHIL!!! This is L."
I know this sounds trite. It probably is, but it brought back so many fond memories for me when we FIRST met and started seeing each other when he would LOVE to introduce me to anyone who would listen...would go over to the OTHER end of the bar to drag someone he knew back in fourth grade to meet me (yes, that actually DID happen...). He always puts his hand on the small of my back when he does it as well and my hand one hand is extended to the person and the other is touching B. It's a well-oiled machine that has been going on for 6 summers now.
I suppose some people take things like that for granted, but those little things we do and know we do and are little habits melt my heart. It's like being wrapped in some sort of soft blanket that you have had for ages...he feels the same way.
One of the people he introduced me to was his cousin, M. I don't know why I had never hung out with her before. She is ridiculously fabulous. I asked B why he had been keeping her away for so long. We clicked immediately. How they are related is beyond me...she is awesome. I was mid conversation and she stopped me mid sentence and said "you are really pretty". I was like, "um...thank you?" and she proceeded to say, "no, you are like REALLY REALLY pretty..." she would look to B to me almost in disbelief. I always find it amusing when that happens and it does happen a few times here and there...moreso when we first started dating years ago ( I was a hot little thing back then!! :)). We would go out and his friends would ask me how much he paid me to be with him. I thought it was funny; I am not sure how he thought.
So, back to 4th (well, now the 5th) of July...
My friends, who were a bit tipsy, went back home and I stayed with B. We had a great time and our group took over the WHOLE block...lots of fun. The only thing was that he was drinking. Definitely not drunk when I got there but I noticed the cell phone never came out but was triple fisting. Still not sure why he feels when I am around the booze comes out...I think it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
He mentioned again about someone watching the dog. Finally I asked what his deal was...he said he was staying at his place in Northern Liberties...shocked that I was JUST finding this news and again, not going to lie, my brain started spinning as to decorating it just the way we had planned in Pittsburgh. He started describing it to me and I COULD NOT wait to get my hands on it...FINALLY I thought....on the right track. Sadly, this was not the case. He then broke it to me that he was house/cat sitting for his best friend and new wife while they were on their honeymoon. He proceeded to tell everyone he was living in Northern Liberties. His self esteem is in the toilet. Clearly.
Well, all good things come to an end...end of the night was fast approaching and no one was going to take care of my dog, but me. So I agreed to drop him off at "his house" which was about 20 blocks from my car. It was fine at the time...but when it took almost an hour (no joke) to even FIND my car as we paraded ALL (and I do mean ALL) over Fairmount...streets we didn't even know exisited. It was fun actually...I would squat down to read the street signs through the trees and shout, "almost there!!" and he would respond with "You have been saying that for 10 blocks now! I'm not buying it!" As we were "discussing" one of the last blocks, a couple came out of an apartment building and we chuckling at our banter and the girl turns around saying..."I know you....B!!!!" OF COURSE you do...I mean, why wouldn't you! They went to college together.
By the time we get to my car, I seriously was exhausted. It was close to 3am and all I wanted to do was pee and go to bed. The thought of driving 20 blocks to turn around in the opposite direction home alone at 3am was not appealing to me. As well, as not happening. As he noticed he was heading to my part of the city he protested saying he wanted to stay at "his place".
He ended up at my house...
To sum it up, we spent the night together into the next morning, doing breakfast and then napping downtown while watching a movie...
After that day, I hear nothing from him...for days...for some reason, he picked some small conversation we had and decided to harbor some anger about it. The question was, "Do you like your job? What interests you?" That was it.
Minor drama happened following, but we decided that no longer would we go through the ridiculous drama that was unnessesary...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Bad Decisions

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson...

Monday, June 1, 2009
Grey Street

Sunday, May 3, 2009
At last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me...
Moving on is something I am doing these is patiently waiting for me. It's a lovely thought.
Change is exhilarating yet, it's the fear of the unknown. Typically, I am MORE THAN ready for changes when they arise (moving out of my parents, moving into my OWN house, new job, new car, even new furniture...). And TYPICALLY, when I am done with a relationship, I am done and completely through. With the exception of B, I have never had a "re-run". When it is over, it is over and I can completely detach. I can even go out for drinks, dinner, or hang out at parties with those I have dated sans emotions and actually would get antsy thinking that they may read into hanging out as something more than it is.
This is one that has stumped not only me, but those around me.
Right now, I am trying to regain ME self esteem, my self worth, my confidence, my joy, my pride.
As much as there was some joy in my last relationship, I now realize that a relationship with an alcoholic is having a relationship with someone who does not exist. The man in my brain is not the man that exists. Once I realized that, boy did my brain explode open. I could visualize our wedding, honeymoon, putting together a nursery, hanging out at home with our family, and even him coaching soccer. The realization is that his disease incapacitates that from happening. It is not a reality and I need to start living in the now, not what was or what could be. The reality is that right now, he is so far away from the life I want. And truthfully, it is a life that I have always wanted and hoped and prayed he would meet me there, and sadly it is not the case.
My new successes with work have proved to be a huge barrier for us. When I took my current job, I became fulfilled in ways that I have never known. I can be creative, flexible, and surround myself with amazing people. Sometimes, I am shocked I actually get paid for my job.
All of this came at a time where he was essentially "demoted" on medical issues or something like that and had to move back home in with his family for several months to share a room with his brother again (had a custom built house in a city 5 hours away) and instead of working in outside sales/marketing sat at a desk in a cubicle. For the past 4 years, he always made more money than me and had a better job than me. Now the tables have turned. I now make more money and have a better job. This has created, I believe, a big divide between us (among other things).
I took several days not speaking to him and got some clarity in therapy and talking to some friends. It's almost like a switch went off.
I am regaining me back and it feels SOOO good. I am looking for a nice guy who relishes in my success (not makes me feel guilty for it), and respects my choices and encourages me along the way as I would like to do him.
He's out there...and ya know...HE will find me. I am thankful that God created him just for me.
At last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Babies, Babies, everywhere is blessed

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Is this really my life?

Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Republican Virgin

Back in October 2007, I was very involved in the Hillary Clinton campaign. I had signs, posters, books, everything Hillary. I met her, went to rallies, got her books signed, and attended at a VERY close proximity her headquarters when she won the state of PA in the primaries.
I come from a family that was/is involved in politics. Growing up, I used to think my father and his father hated each other because after dinners on Sundays they would sit in the living room and have heated discussions about Ronald Reagan. My paternal grandfather worked in the government in a foreign country and was seen in many pictures with the country's leader. One of my first memories as a child was staying home with my dad to watch the Iran Contra probably every other 5 year old did in the early 80's...right???
So it was fitting for me to attend the debates that were held here in Philadelphia of the democrats when it was the whole gang (Edwards, Obama, Clinton, Kusinish, Biden, etc..). Before the debates, I met a guy who was a reporter for McCain. He was handsome, and obviously smart. We strike up a conversation on the steps of the building. After the debates, we walked a bit and ended up talking for about a 1/2 hour. We exchanged business cards and that was that.
About a week later, I receive an e-mail from him asking to go to dinner. I said yes and we made plans for that Friday. When the day came, as usual, I had no interest in going, but threw on some makeup, and heels and went.
I knew as soon as I walked in that I wanted to leave. The restaurant was NOT smoke free as the city was at the time and made my eyes water. When I walked in the door I had to pay a $10 cover as well. I had small hopes that "maybe" he would not be there. Oh, but I was wrong.
He was standing there and told me, "I have taken the liberty of getting us a table." I agreed and we sat down. The waitress takes our order and I order my staple "gotta-get-through-it" drink of gin and tonic. He ordered a Magners because he "didn't want to get too crazy". She explained the specials and he made it seem like he was ordering for his Last Supper. When she left, I asked him what he does and why he picked the place he did to live (he lives in a nice suburb of Philly, but VERY family neighborhood and he was a single guy). He explained to me, that at 34 he lived at home with his mom and dad by choice. His mother was a "homemaker" and his dad was a computer guy. His mom cooks all of his meals for him in a balanced way, as well as does his laundry. Immediately, I wanted to leave. This would never EVER work. Not even a little bit. I burn my hand/arm making Elios pizza for God's sake!
Our food came and I kept ordering some gin and tonics and he switched to coffee with 9 sugars in each to which is proceeded to spin his cup while he was talking. When I asked him if he was a serial dater since he was single, he told me that "I can see how one can misconstrue that but that is not the case. In all actuality, I have never been priivied to the touch of a female." as hard as that sentence was to read for you, imagine sitting across from the table when that was being said. As more came out of his mouth, he explained that his craziest moment in his life was his sophomore year of high school on stage crew when he and his friends walked to a pizza place eventhough they had cars.
We had other couples around us STAYING to just see how this played out. When he went to the bathroom, I sent a mass text to all of my friends with the words, "he is a republican virgin who lives at home". EVERYONE was loving it! When the bill came it was placed on the table I reached for it, as I was ready to BOLT from the restaurant. He then offered to pay and I ask him, "Are you sure?" to which he said, "well, at least let's split it." I threw down the money I had left from the cover I had to pay and stood up. He sat spinning his coffee cup over and over without looking me in the eye. He half stood up to bid me fare-the-well and then sat back down to finish his cup of coffee.
I left with a great deal of relief and went to my friend's house for a few glasses of wine to rehash and recap.
This is one of MANY interesting date stories to come...
Bad Dates
Monday, March 2, 2009
Could "he" be my greatest teacher?? Seriously?? Maybe so...
Signs, Sign, Everywhere Signs
Friday, February 27, 2009
Secret to a Happy Marriage: Counseling
I attended a speech given by the mayor of my fine city on Monday night. I was beginning to come down with, what I believe to be, the avian flu. I got there relatively early and found a seat in this beautiful church. I decided to catch up on my e-mail and then cracked open the Bible. An elderly woman squeezed by and wanted to sit next to me, I mean NEXT to me. She was in her late 70's/early 80's and somehow she started talking about her life and her marriage of 57 years to her husband who has full fledged dementia. She explained that she hates to go see him now since he is quite angry and destructive. They have known each other since they were children. She was only a few weeks older than him. She explained that he was a Phi Beta Kappa from Amherst and now he is a man who needs assisted living. They are extremely wealthy and live in a coveted neighborhood in the suburbs of Philly. Their 5 children went to the most elite private schools and went on to successful colleges and careers.
She explained that through out their marriage they dealt with a myriad of health issues as well as alcoholism and habitual smoking. Now, 4 out of her 5 children all live on the west coast and the one lives in Virginia. Their daughter who lives in California no longer speaks to her parents because she disagreed with putting their violent father in assisted living. The one son wants the mother to sell all of her possessions.
She went into detail about the illnesses of her husband. I told her how I thought it must be so hard to see the love of your life go through the illnesses he had. She told me what was worse was watching his mind go and he doesn't even know who she is anymore. She said that it is something that you can never be prepared for.
I asked her the secret to what has made it last and she said, after thinking for a moment: counseling. Counseling saved our lives.
It got me thinking. From the outside, this is a woman you could tell was gorgeous in her hay day, had a very intelligent husband, and a gaggle of children that were highly successful.
What she has now is an empty house. She does not have support of her children, her friends are all very ill, and her husband is fading away in front of her eyes.
People would perceive them to be the perfect family, but scratching at the surface, there is no such thing. Everyone has skeletons, it's just a matter of whether you are good at covering it up or not.
I suppose in our lives are our ups and downs. I am concerned with friends of mine that have never experienced heartbreak or adversity. What goes up, must certainly come down. I had recently told one of my best friends, "When you go through the difficult times, it's hard seeing through the muckity muck to the good stuff at the end." There is always good stuff at the end.
I believe it starts with yourself. At 30, I am now starting to realize who I am and what I want. It has been about 2 months since I started self discovery. I have a long way to go, but so far, 30 has been an incredible year! I am blessed with an abundance of love. My own happiness is in my own control.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
High School
I looked forward to college where I would be able to expand my dating scene and see what happens...
I promise....this may seem boring but as my life progresses it becomes increasingly interesting and full of "sugar and spice"...
The Early Years
Jay was adorable; he was about 2 inches shorter than me with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was my first boyfriend. This was at a time when there was not the internet or text messages or cell phones or even caller ID. He used to call the house and my mother would answer and I would get flustered and be so excited about him calling me. The term "going out" was what we used to define the status of the relationship. My mother used to say "you and Jay are going out, but you really don't go anywhere...neither of you can drive!". I have to say she had a point, but I was crazy about him. We "dated" for about 6 months. He had his best friend dump me on the phone because he wanted to dance with another girl at a dance that I did not attend. I sobbed, I yelled, I called my girlfriends, I vented to my mother, I wrote angry notes, I talked badly about him, I tried to justify why he dumped me, I contrived stories about him in my head, and I then sucked it up and moved on.
16 years later things had not changed. That is when it all began...
We date to find "the one". It's such a romantic idyllic idea. To think that if you go out enough with enough people you will EVENTUALLY find your "one". What I have learned recently is that you do not find love; it finds you. Your love life is not a game of chance or probability...I see it, if I had to quantify it, as a game of roulette. These are just my stories of the past 18 years of trying to find the one. Maybe by doing this blog, it will help me figure out more about myself as well as give you a good giggle.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
That word always bothered me. It never seemed like a real word.
At 30, in 2009, that word applies to basically everything in my life. When are you buying that house? When are you going to get married? When are you having babies? When are you going to stop talking to "Him"?
What is the rush? I find that each step along the way, once you get/achieve one piece, everyone always asks about the next step instead of reveling in the present. We are always looking ahead to the next big thing.
I recently got a new job. It is the perfect fit for me. The salary is prefect, the flexibilty is amazing, and the people are intelligent and fun. Once I got this dream job, the obvious became even more apparent. Why are you single?
That is the trillion dollar question that people have asked single women through out time. In the 1950's you were considered an old maid and ended up living with your relatives and/or best friend watching other people's children playing outside (sweeping generalization by the way); in the 1960's and 70's it became a bit easier with the feminist movement and you were considered BFF with Gloria Steinem and didn't need a man to do anything unless you wanted them; the 1980's and 1990's women really kicked butt in the workforce and balanced motherhood and their professions. This decade seems a bit odd. You would think that women would be embraced for being single. That is not the case. If you disagree it would be for one of two reasons: 1. You are not single. 2. You are not friends with a single woman.
First Blog Post
To start off, about me...
I am a 30 year old single woman living in Philadelphia. It sounds very Sex and the City, and honestly there could not be more truth to it. I am not sure if I am prone to absurdity or it just follows me, but I have been told over and over that if my friends and family did not know me, they would think my life is fiction.
To say that I live a thrilling life, would be an understatement. Whether it has to do with work, family, or friends, or the biggie-relationships there is a story and for those who do not know me, this is my story.
I suppose it is going to be like most blogs, musings about one's life and events that others can relate to. So I suppose on with the show and welcome to my little world....